From the course: Negotiation Skills

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Overcome embarrassment and pride to negotiate

Overcome embarrassment and pride to negotiate

From the course: Negotiation Skills

Overcome embarrassment and pride to negotiate

- I'm pretty sure that the biggest reason we avoid negotiating is embarrassment. Both at work and at home, we worry about what the other person might think. So for example, my dad always pays the full price for his cars. He doesn't want to get drawn into some squalid haggle with the car salesman, who's probably pretty good at haggling. And my dad has to have that car, it's the one he wants, and he can afford it, so he just pays the full price. I suppose his biggest dread is that even though he's trying to get money off, after all that effort, he'll end up having to pay the full price. This is what I call crumbling. So his fear is that if he says, "That price is too high, can you reduce it at all?" And the sales person says, "Well, if Sir can't afford the price, Sir can always have the cheaper model, or go down the road to the company that sells cheaper cars." Then my dad will have to say, "Ugh, okay then, I'll pay…
