From the course: Negotiation Skills

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Prepare their weaknesses

Prepare their weaknesses

- The final thing you need to prepare is really easy and really powerful, and that's to think about the weaknesses of the other person. Doing this will make you feel much stronger in the negotiation. And how you feel has a massive effect on how good the deal is that you end up getting. Imagine if you could believe somehow that you had all the time in the world, or that you had lots of other customers queuing up for your service, you'd be stronger and get a better deal, wouldn't you? And it may sound a little harsh, but the best way to make yourself feel stronger is to focus on the weaknesses of the other person. Usually, we focus on our own weaknesses, rather than the person we're negotiating with. This is because we are only too aware of our own and we have no idea of what theirs might be. For example, if you're buying a house, you know that you've looked at loads and can't find any apart from this one. Maybe your…
