From the course: Negotiation Skills

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Spot seven signs that you should negotiate

Spot seven signs that you should negotiate

From the course: Negotiation Skills

Spot seven signs that you should negotiate

- There are seven situations or signs that you should think about negotiating. Seven things that switch on my negotiating light. The first one is when they make an offer really easily right at the start. It's 10% off today or how about if I gave you 10% off. This shows that they're keen to sell it. And that they're up for negotiating. So you should definitely not just take that 10% offer. But you should say, how about 20. Better wording might be, if it was 20% off then I'd buy it. But, the snag with that is that you'll probably get the 20% off and you'll certainly not get it any cheaper than that. So it would be even better to say, it's still a bit much for me. Can you reduce it any more than that? Because then who knows how low they'll go. The second one is when it's a sale. So the stock is already reduced. This is the same as them making an offer at the start. So, you should immediately consider negotiating over the…
