From the course: Negotiation Skills

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Try knocking the product

Try knocking the product

- The next tactic to look out for is again used mainly by buyers, and it's called knocking the product. Where you find some kind of flaw in what's being negotiated. You can imagine how it goes. In the case of someone buying a car, they might say it's a bit rusty or it's not quite the color I'm ideally looking for, and in a work situation you might say, ideally, we'd use a bigger or a smaller or a more local company or it's a bit different to what we normally use. I like this last one because you're not insulting the person. It's more just you. Not the right color is good too. The color is fine and it's not the vendor's fault in any way, it's just not quite what you're looking for. If they say, then why did you come to look at it? You could say, well, I was hoping that seeing it in real life that it might be okay, but to be honest, I'm still not quite sure. It is pretty bright. The idea is to appear not keen…
