From the course: Negotiation Skills

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Try the reluctant buyer technique

Try the reluctant buyer technique

From the course: Negotiation Skills

Try the reluctant buyer technique

- Next is a tactic that does amuse me. I don't know, I just find it funny when I use it or see it being used. But it is pretty effective, and it's known as reluctant buyer. Also, occasionally, it can also be reluctant seller. A bit like knocking the product, the idea is that you claim you're reluctant to buy the product or service. You might claim that you're not quite ready, or that your boss or husband or wife won't like it if you spend the money; you've already got five tennis rackets and you really shouldn't be getting another one, or you're not very keen to face the upheaval of getting a new website, and you quite like your old one. Whatever you want to come up with to not look keen, your general line is, "I don't really want to buy it, "but okay then." If the price is really, really enticing, then you might be tempted, even though you shouldn't. The reluctant seller is a bit more tricky to justify, but I do it…
