From the course: Negotiation Skills

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Try the salami technique

Try the salami technique

- The next tactic is the salami. This is a slightly more complicated tactic with a bit of an odd name, but it can work really well if you plan it. And you certainly have to be very careful that it's not used against you, as it can be very expensive. It's called the salami because people eat salami in thin slices, and the person using the tactic takes thin slices off the other person, just asking for small concessions, one after another, and gradually, bit by bit, most of the value is taken off the other person before they realize. And even if they realize, it's hard for them to object, because the slices are only small each time. So they look almost mean not letting the salami slicer have just one more thin slice. Here it is in action. I'm being well and truly salamied by Lily. Note how she attacks on multiple fronts. And then each thing I concede, she takes, but then she still wants concessions in the other areas. She…
