From the course: Negotiation Skills

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Use trading to get a better deal

Use trading to get a better deal

From the course: Negotiation Skills

Use trading to get a better deal

- Once you both have your opening offers on the table, the challenge is how to get to an agreement somewhere in between the two positions, ideally nearer to your starting point than the other persons. But certainly, it's unlikely that you can get away with not moving at all from your opening position. In fact, if you open at your limit, so you can't move at all, it was probably not a very good choice of opening position. For example, if the most you can afford is a $1,000, and you open with that, they'll expect you to reluctantly pay a bit more. And will find it weird when you refuse to go any higher. You'll look obstinate and unhelpful, not prepared to do your bit in getting to a deal. And you may lose the deal because of it. You should certainly start with some room to maneuver. So start at 800 or 500, and move up from there towards your 1,000. There are only two ways you can get from your starting position to an agreed…
