From the course: Negotiation Skills

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Watch for the flinch

Watch for the flinch

- An important little thing that happens when opening offers are being made is the flinch. This is a body language signal. In fact, a collection of body language changes that might range from what I call the English flinch to what I call the Italian flinch. The English flinch looks like this. (sighs) That's not going to work. How many things can you remember from the flinch I did just now. We had five things, the intake of breath, the looking unhappy, the turning away, maybe crossing your legs away from them or moving away from them if you're sitting down. The words of disappointment and finally the one that you couldn't see the putting the pen down, I really liked this one because it's an easy way to signal that it's all over, there's no point in going on. The Italian flinch looks more like this. What, (grunts) you got to be joking, agh. So should you do a flinch and what should you do if they do a flinch. First…
