From the course: Nuke Essential Training

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A workflow demonstration: Part 2

A workflow demonstration: Part 2 - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: Nuke Essential Training

A workflow demonstration: Part 2

- [Narrator] So the animation that I want, is on frame one, I want the jet to start far away in the distance. Alright, so I'm just going to drag my slider for scale, and scale down the jet to put it far away. Then the on-screen control I'll just drag it over to where I want and I accidentally made that rotated too, so I'm going to fix that to a zero, I did not want to do that, that was an accident. Alright, next. I'm going to roll to about the middle of the shot, and bring the jet to screen center so that means I want my scale factor to be maybe one, and maybe a little higher than that. Okay, so let's say we like that, and then I want the jet to rocket off at at the end of the shot, so, I'm going to jump the playhead to the last frame, drag my onscreen control to move the jet almost out of frame, you notice I'm tilting it up like this. And then I'll put a little rotation on it to make it look like it's peeling up. Okay, let's see how that looks. Jump the playhead to frame one and…
