From the course: Office 365 for Administrators: Troubleshooting Issues for Users (Office 365/Microsoft 365)

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Recover lost OneNote files

Recover lost OneNote files

- [Instructor] When working in OneNote, sometimes it may feel like we've lost some files, but don't worry. OneNote has us covered. The first thing that OneNote has is a powerful search capability that will search, not only our notes, but also pictures, handwriting, audio and video recordings and we should be able to find our lost files and notes in no time flat. The easiest way to do this is in the search dialog box, pop in what you're looking for. I'm going to type in the word clear and I can see my Vendor List has the word clear. Let's go ahead and select that. OneNote has found two instances of the word clear. I can also filter on this search by section, section group, or the notebook. If you recently upgraded your version of OneNote, you may have noticed that some of your notes are missing. To locate these missing notes, you will select Quick Notes from the Notebook dropdown. In my case, I don't have any notes here…
