From the course: Office 365 for Administrators: Troubleshooting Issues for Users (Office 365/Microsoft 365)

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Troubleshoot: Damaged Excel workbooks

Troubleshoot: Damaged Excel workbooks

- [Narrator] You may encounter a Workbook that has been damaged, and you need to extract the data from that Workbook. And this can be done by either repairing the Workbook, or trying to extract the data. I always like to try to repair the Workbook first. To do so, open Excel, and then File, Open, and then Browse. This will not work with the pin files. Select the file that is damaged and instead of opening, choose open and repair. You're now given two options, you can repair, or extract the data. I always like starting with repair, as I want to recover as much of that Workbook as possible. In our example, our file was able to be opened, and most the data is there. I'm going to close this, without saving, and let's repeat the process but in this case we'll use extract. Now I have two options. If my Workbook has formulas, I either have the option to convert those formulas to values, or try to recover the formulas.…
