From the course: Office 365 for Administrators: Troubleshooting Issues for Users (Office 365/Microsoft 365)

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Troubleshoot: Damaged presentations

Troubleshoot: Damaged presentations

- [Instructor] At some point in your career you may come across a PowerPoint presentation that just won't open. I'm going to show you a couple tips and tricks to try to open that presentation file. And the easiest thing to do is open it in PowerPoint and have PowerPoint try to repair it. The trick to this is that you must use the Open function in PowerPoint, and not select a pinned or recent file. Start by selecting Open, and then Browse. Select the file that will not open. And instead of selecting Open, scroll down and choose Open and Repair. PowerPoint will now try to open that file for you. If that doesn't work, you can move on to the next method, which is dragging the presentation to the PowerPoint application itself. I'm going to close PowerPoint. And for this, I like to work with two File Explorer windows. In the one window I have the folder where the presentation that will not open is located. In the other window…
