From the course: Office 365 for Administrators: Troubleshooting Issues for Users (Office 365/Microsoft 365)

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Troubleshoot: Excel formatting and compatibility

Troubleshoot: Excel formatting and compatibility

- [Instructor] When there are different versions of Excel within the same office, compatibility problems can occur when users are sharing workbooks and sheets. Before we look at how to mitigate these issues, let's first explore the two loss levels of functionality and common formatting that may be reduced or lost. Common issues that can cause significant loss can be triggered by exceeding the row or column limit of older versions of Excel, or using a feature in a newer version, which didn't exist in an older version. Charting compatibility issues will always cause a significant loss of functionality, as will some sorting and filtering features. Next we have issues that can cause a minor loss of fidelity. These issues are typically caused by formatting issues including the lack of support for certain colors, unique fonts, or newer styles. We saw sorting and filtering can cause a significant loss of functionality, but it can…
