From the course: Office 365 for Administrators: Troubleshooting Issues for Users (Office 365/Microsoft 365)

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Troubleshoot: Excel printing

Troubleshoot: Excel printing

- [Instructor] Do you have that one task in the office that drives you nuts? Well, for me it's printing and it doesn't matter what application I'm in, for some reason printing and I don't get along. In this lesson, we're going to explore some common troubleshooting techniques for when your printer is not working and then review some formatting tricks for printing your Excel worksheets correctly. When you're unable to print, the first thing you should do is double check your printer to make sure that it's turned on, that there's paper in it, that there's ink in it, that all the cables are secure. If you're using a wireless printer, ensure that it's connected to the network. I have an older printer and it drops the network connection quite often and this causes me almost daily fustration. Be sure that the printer is not paused and that the drivers are up to date for the printer, as well as Windows and Office. Now…
