From the course: Office 365 for Administrators: Troubleshooting Issues for Users (Office 365/Microsoft 365)

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Troubleshoot: Lost Word documents

Troubleshoot: Lost Word documents

- [Instructor] There may be times when you lose a document. I know I've done this myself on several occasions. I've closed the document before I saved it, or I closed the document and saved it, but saved it to a location that I couldn't remember. Luckily, there's a couple of easy ways for us to locate those lost Word documents. The first and easiest method is just to open up File Explorer, and navigate to the folder where you think the document may be. I'm going to check my Documents folder, and as you can see, I have a list of documents here. It's pretty easy for me to pick out the Word documents, because that's all I have here, but if I had other files within this folder, I could narrow down the Word documents by doing a search. To pull all the files that are Word documents, I would search using the asterisk, because that is a wild card, and then doc, for older versions of Word, and docx for newer versions. I…
