From the course: Office 365 for Administrators: Troubleshooting Issues for Users (Office 365/Microsoft 365)

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Troubleshoot: SharePoint sites

Troubleshoot: SharePoint sites

- [Instructor] Like OneDrive, you may encounter similar uploading issues when trying to upload to a SharePoint site, and this is because the underlying technology is similar. As with OneDrive, there is a maximum path length in SharePoint. The limitation in SharePoint is 260 characters, not the 400 that is allowed in OneDrive. You also cannot upload empty files or folders to SharePoint Online. Let's pop over to the demo and explore the other issues you may encounter when using SharePoint Online. Another common issue that you may encounter in SharePoint is when we're trying to use the same name for a file, a list, an application, etc. Let me show you. Here, we already have a photographer's list. If I go back up to Home, and then New, List, and try to use that same name, it will error out on me. I'm not going to modify this name, I'm just going to cancel. I'm going to pop into Documents for our next step. SharePoint…
