From the course: Office 365 for Administrators: Troubleshooting Issues for Users (Office 365/Microsoft 365)

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Troubleshoot: Teams audio and video

Troubleshoot: Teams audio and video

- [Instructor] In this very short lesson we're going to look at how to configure your audio and video devices in Teams. Some of you may be asking, "wait a minute, "I don't have Teams, I use Skype for Business." And that will be true until 2021 when Skype will then be retired. All new Office 365 tenants will be deployed with Teams. You'll find Teams much easier to troubleshoot than Skype for Business. As always, the first thing you'll want to do is check to see if there's any updates for your desktop client. To do so select "You" and then "Check for updates". You'll notice a pop-up. "We will check and install any updates "while you continue to work." If there is an update, we'll be notified. To review and modify your audio and video setup you'll once again pop up to "You" and then select "Settings", followed by "Devices". My system does not have either a mic or a camera but you would select the appropriate audio device…
