From the course: Office 365 for Administrators: Troubleshooting Issues for Users (Office 365/Microsoft 365)

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Troubleshoot: Visio shapes

Troubleshoot: Visio shapes

- [Instructor] Visio is awesome, but there may be times when it seems impossible to select a shape on your drawing. Luckily, there are two common reasons for this. First, the shape is locked. I am clicking, and I cannot seem to select any of my shapes. To fix this, I need to select Layers, Layer Properties, and then under Flowchart, uncheck Lock. Apply, and now I can grab and move my objects. The other possibility is that the shape is protected. Now, you need to keep in mind that this functionality is only available if you use the Developer tab. The first thing I need to do is enable the Developer tab, so I can show you how to protect these shapes. The Developer tab can be found under File, Options, and Advanced. Then scroll all the way down to the bottom, under General, select "Run in developer mode." And then OK. You will now notice that we have a new tab. I'm going to select an object, and then Protection. Then…
