From the course: Office 365 for Administrators: Troubleshooting Issues for Users (Office 365/Microsoft 365)

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Troubleshoot: Word formatting

Troubleshoot: Word formatting

- [Instructor] The formatting in your Word document can cause unexpected behavior. In this lesson we'll explore how to troubleshoot Word formatting. The first thing I always like to do is turn on the formatting for a document. And to do so, just click on the Paragraph icon. When you turn this on, you will see all the formatting that has been applied to your document including the paragraph marks, tabs, spaces, et cetera. You may want some of these formatting marks to always be displayed without actually turning on the formatting. To do so select file, options, and then display. Now you can choose what do you always want to see. In my example we're going to select spaces. I'm going to click OK, and now I'm going to turn off the formatting. And now we can still see the dots in between the words, and that represents those spaces. Another handy trick to see what's going on in your document is to use the Status bar. The…
