From the course: Paneling with Dynamo for Revit

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Adaptive components

Adaptive components

- [Instructor] Let's talk about adaptive components and why they're useful for placing panels in Revit. Adaptive components are a type of family that are placed using multiple points. Most families in Revit are placed using some sort of curve or perhaps, a placement point. For example, we can place an entourage figure. How about little guy, with a single click. With adaptive components, you have the option for specifying how many points you would like to be able to use to place the family. In this exercise file, there are two adaptive component families included. This first one three point panel has three types. And just because of the way I've named it, I know that there are three points that are required to place it. I'll use that here, one, two, three and I have a panel. A second set of three clicks will provide another panel, and so on. Adaptive components are a very powerful feature of Revit, but in some ways, they're begging for a puppet master to control them. The good news is…
