From the course: Performance Management: Improving Employee Performance

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How managers sabotage employee performance

How managers sabotage employee performance

- In 1995, Daniel Goleman released his New York Times bestselling book, "Emotional Intelligence." Goleman said his research revealed that a leader's EQ, or emotional quotient, is more important to their success than their IQ. Let me give you an example of what he means. I will never forget a comment from an employee regarding how management's approach sabotaged his desire to perform. He said, "Our managers do not subscribe to the notion "that most rank-and-file employees "would perform better if the system would let them. "They subscribed to the heroic "individualistic theory of performance." He went on to say, "I was reminded of this recently "when one of our divisions met critical performance goals. "The division manager got a $5,000 bonus, "which was supposed to be a secret, "and the employees got a free slice of pizza." Now that's what you call low EQ management and that lowers the people's discretionary effort.…
