From the course: Performance Management: Improving Employee Performance

What we mean when we talk about performance management

From the course: Performance Management: Improving Employee Performance

What we mean when we talk about performance management

- [Instructor] For a long time now, performance management has been about monitoring, and controlling worker activity, but the truth is, the employee you can control is the employee you don't want working for. You find yourself trying to control employee performance, and you'll find they expect you to take care of them. It's a parent trap, and I don't know about you, but I've got enough kids to worry about. But really it's more than just that. The old methods of performance management just don't work with today's employees, and companies are looking for new solutions. Welcome. I'm Don Phin. As an employment attorney, consultant, and executive coach, I've seen what managers can do to improve performance, and how they can end up sabotaging it. As John D. Rockefeller once said, "I'll pay more for the ability to handle people than for any other talent under the sun." So let me show you how to improve employee performance, navigate the expectations of the people who work for you, and all while growing in your own career.
