From the course: Photography 101

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Fully automatic

Fully automatic

- Before we get to the semi-automatic modes in the camera, let's talk about one of the special fully-automatic modes that you will find on most cameras today. And that's the scene modes. Now why would you want to use a fully-automatic scene mode when I just told you that you want to get away from automatic? Well the thing is that the scene modes are actually great learning tools. See the scene modes are setup for a particular type of shot. For example, scenic or sports or macro or portraits. And if you put the camera into that automatic mode and take a picture with it, you can then look at the settings that the camera chose and learn from that. You'll learn for example that for a portrait you might want to have a shallow depth to field. You might want to have a large depth to field for a scenic photo. Or maybe you wanna have a high shutter speed for fast action. All of these things the camera will do for you automatically. And then you can learn from that and then apply that to your…
