From the course: Photoshop and Illustrator: Creating Retina Graphics

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Challenge: Saving your retina graphics

Challenge: Saving your retina graphics

(echoing cymbals) Okay, time once again for another quick challenge. This time around, what I want you to do is using either PhotoShop or Illustrator, I have a challenge document for both, "", or "challenge.psd", what I want you to do is go ahead and export out an entire sequence of retina graphics. You can do it for as many or as little as you want, 1x, 2x, 3x, you can do only 2x, only 3x... totally up to you. I just want you to do an entire series of graphics using what you've learned thus far, especially when it comes to how to save things out of Illustrator, and how to do things like duplicating documents inside of PhotoShop and whatnot. So, this should take you about five minutes. I've included these files in your exercise files folder, so go ahead and grab those, and start working through it, and then come back and watch my solutions video to see how I went through the challenge.
