From the course: Photoshop and Illustrator: Creating Retina Graphics

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Examining Justin's "rules for retina"

Examining Justin's "rules for retina"

- Now it's time for us to explore Justin's Rules for Retina. Now these are not hard and fast rules that were developed by some overseeing high power or anything like that. These are just things that I tend to think about when I'm working on any given project and whether or not I should include Retina Graphics within it. So number one, Retina isn't always a requirement. You might be working on a project that is just going to be seen on a regular resolution display. Therefore you shouldn't have to take the time to create Retina or high resolution graphics for that project if it's not necessary. You need to study your project specs and understand exactly where the project is destined to go and how many people might be accessing it and on what types of devices. That should dictate whether or not you even approach Retina Graphics to begin with. Number two, design for the masses. By the masses I mean regular 72 pixel per inch screens. Regular computer monitors, older devices. That's what a…
