From the course: Photoshop and Illustrator: Creating Retina Graphics

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Generating @2x assets in Photoshop

Generating @2x assets in Photoshop

- This chapter is all about automating your Retina workflow, and so we are going to start off inside of Photoshop using one of the new features of Photoshop CC that I find extremely useful. It's called The Generator. But before we actually get started working inside of Photoshop, I want you to go ahead and download two add-ons for Photoshop that make this process so much easier. So let's jump over into the web browser now, and navigate to Add-ons is all one word. Once you get to that website, what I want you to do is I want you to search for the Generator Config. So, let me open up a new window, and I'll do this with you,, and that should load up this page that looks like this. And what we're going to do is go to Photoshop over here on the left, and then type out over here, generator, and that should load up with this right here, Generator Config. So, we're just going to click on that, and that's going to launch this page right…
