From the course: Photoshop and Illustrator: Creating Retina Graphics

How to send feedback

- Throughout this course, you're inevitably going to have some questions, and I want to as successful to you as possible, when and if you do. Here are a few ways you can get in touch with me on the web. If Twitter's your thing, you can find me at or simply tweet me at Justin Seeley. This is probably the easiest and fastest way to reach me. If you're more of a Facebook person, you can find my Facebook fan page at This page allows for private direct messages much the same as an email does. This is the best solution for long-form questions and responses. If you're a fan of Google Plus, you can find my profile at Add me to your circles and contact me anytime. You can also connect with me via Linkedin at When you connect with me, be sure to tell me that you found my profile by watching this course, that way I know who you are, and how you found me, so that I'll accept your connection request. Finally, you can also send me a message or comment on my YouTube channel as well, which can be found at Like I said, I want to be as successful to you as possible. If you have questions, comments, or you just want to say hello, feel free to reach out to me anytime. Thank you for watching.
