From the course: Photoshop and Illustrator: Creating Retina Graphics

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Saving retina graphics in Illustrator

Saving retina graphics in Illustrator

- Although Illustrator is one of my favorite applications for creating artwork when it comes to website and application design, it's actually really frustrating sometimes to get the graphics that you created in Illustrator, out of it in a really efficient manner. But in this movie I'm gonna show you my personal workflow for how I get all of these graphics out of Illustrator in one fell swoop, basically. So what we're gonna do here is we're going to be just be working on this @1x art board. You'll notice I have several art boards in this document that correspond to 2 and 3x versions of these files. But let's just stick with these first ones for now. When you are saving artwork out of Illustrator for the web, you do so by going to the File menu and choosing Save For Web. The issue with that is Illustrator does not give you the ability to target specific images within the artwork. It assumes you want to export the entire piece of artwork. A workaround for this might be to simply select…
