From the course: Photoshop and Illustrator: Creating Retina Graphics

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Saving retina graphics in Photoshop

Saving retina graphics in Photoshop

- In most cases, for a Photoshop document, you're gonna be dealing with one document at a time. And so, for that, I've already covered exactly how you would go about creating the multiple versions of the files. And I'll go through the saving of the files here in just a minute. But, what if you got a document that had multiple layers in it, like the one that we see here? How, then, would you quickly and easily get these graphics out of Photoshop and into multiple different formats? Well, in this movie I'm gonna show you my workflow for doing just that. So, the first thing that I have to look at here is whether or not everything is on its own separate layer. If it is, that's great. If not, you're gonna have to do some work to get things on their own layer. I'm going to then make sure that everything inside of this document is relatively the same size, which it is, it looks like all these are icons. If everything's not the same size, that's okay. There are many workarounds that you can…
