From the course: Photoshop and Illustrator: Creating Retina Graphics

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Scaling artwork in Photoshop

Scaling artwork in Photoshop

- Adobe Photoshop is a little different when it comes to creating Retina graphics, because you don't have the multi-artboard support inside of Photoshop, and there's no real way to add multiple pages to a document, either. There are a few things that we need to get out of the way in terms of mechanics, of actually changing the scale of your graphics in Photoshop, and then I'll break down exactly how I would handle an entire document full of graphics. The first thing we need to talk about is upscaling versus downscaling, because, when you're talking about Photoshop, one of the things that's been drilled into designer's heads for so long is the fact that, we're not supposed to upscale our graphics. Actually, when you're talking about Retina graphics, it's probably best to upscale a smaller graphic to an @2x or @3x, because when you use a larger image and downscale it, you can get some fuzziness, which would eliminate things like fine lines, small details, things like that. I always…
