From the course: Photoshop and Illustrator: Creating Retina Graphics

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Solution: Creating your own retina images

Solution: Creating your own retina images

(gentle instrumental sound) - All right, time now for my solution to the challenge that I just issued you. Hopefully if you're watching this video, that means that you've gone through the challenge yourself, and you've already created the retina versions of the graphics that I've shown you here on screen. If not, that's okay, you can follow along with me as I work through the challenge myself. So, I'm going to start here inside of Photoshop, and the first thing that we need to do in Photoshop is determine how we're going to scale these graphics and at what versions we need to create. I know i I need a 2X, a 3X, and an XXXHDPI which is essentially a 4X version. So, that means I'm going to need a total of three more copies of this document in order to make sure that they all fit the exact dimensions that I have. What we're going to do now is we are going to go to the Image menu, choose Duplicate, and we're going to call this, "challenge@2x," hit okay. That creates that one. And then…
