From the course: Photoshop and Illustrator: Creating Retina Graphics

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Solution: Saving your retina graphics

Solution: Saving your retina graphics

- Hopefully by now you've gone through the challenge and you've exported out your desired set of graphics and in this movie I'm going to be showing you my process for doing that. I'm gonna be in Illustrator because Illustrator is the program that I choose to use for most of my web graphics work these days, but you could use Photoshop just the same, but I'm gonna show you how I went through this challenge inside of Illustrator. So the first thing that I had to do was I had to define each one of these objects as a separate entity so that I could easily export it out using the save for web command. Now I'm gonna zoom out here and let's take a look at everything we've got. We've actually got four versions; 1x, 2x, 3x and 4x inside of this document. If I wanna make it really easy on myself all I have to do is select everything on the screen with cmd or ctrl+A and then I can go into the object menu, go down to slice and choose make. Now when I do that Illustrator is going to create all of…
