From the course: Photoshop and Illustrator: Creating Retina Graphics

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Understanding platform guidelines for HiDPI graphics

Understanding platform guidelines for HiDPI graphics

From the course: Photoshop and Illustrator: Creating Retina Graphics

Understanding platform guidelines for HiDPI graphics

- Now that we understand a little bit more about what the term "retina graphics" actually means, I want to spend a few moments to talk about the platform guidelines for how you're supposed to save images out from your Photoshop or Illustrator work to display properly across all of these different devices within the iOS and Android ecosystems. My general rule of thumb is to always, at least, create an @2X version of you're graphic because that's gonna take care of most of the high-resolution screens. That way you have a 200% enlargement of your graphic that that can display on just about all of these high-resolution displays, and even if you run across one of these displays that needs a 3 or a 4X graphic, at least this @2X graphic is gonna look a little better than the original. However if we drill down into the specifics of, let's say iOS, you'll find that you need two, three, even four or more versions of a graphic to display properly across all of the devices that you have. So iOS…
