From the course: Photoshop and Illustrator: Creating Retina Graphics

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Understanding retina naming conventions

Understanding retina naming conventions

- Now that we have a better understanding of what retina graphics are all about and how to create them inside of our favorite applications, it's time to actually save them out in a usable format to put inside of our website or mobile app. But we need to understand the naming conventions of these retina graphics first. Let's start with iOS. iOS is the simplest of the (laughing) two forms of retina graphics that we're gonna be talking about, simply because the naming convention of the files is exactly the same as the image scaling that you would see inside of the iOS images. So you have 1x, 2x and 3x, and those file names would actually be very similar in terms of img.png, img@2x.png and img@3x.png, so the only thing you have to be aware of is that that first part where in this case I have img, that needs to be the same because iOS is going to look for that first file name and then it will also look for the @ symbol to tell it which version of that image to serve up. So you have the…
