From the course: Photoshop and Illustrator: Creating Retina Graphics

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Using Smart Layer Export in Illustrator

Using Smart Layer Export in Illustrator

- If you're an Adobe Illustrator user, you've probably been watching these last few videos and thinking, "Hey, what about me?" Well, you're in luck. This video is all about Adobe Illustrator and how to automate the process of exporting out multiple graphics from a single file. Now, before this, I've been showing you how to do things with multiple artboards, and using slices and Save for Web, and all that stuff. But, this is actually going to be even faster than that. The issue here is that you need to have a quote-unquote "modern" version of Illustrator. CS6, CC, or CC2014, in order to make this work. You also have to be willing to shell out about $9. If I jump over to the Adobe Add-ons website and go to the homepage, I can do a search on that homepage right down here. And what I wanna type out is "layer export" and then press Enter or Return. That's gonna give me this result. The Smart Layer Export for Adobe Illustrator. Once I click on that, it's gonna launch up this page and it's…
