From the course: Planning a Career in User Experience

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Content strategy

Content strategy

- Like a UX strategist, a content strategist is also focused on the business needs and goals. But for the content strategist the alignment is between those business goals and the content that can be found on the website or app. Consistency of tone, voice, and brand is of utmost importance to a coherent business strategy, but this is often difficult to achieve for businesses that have many content contributors. As a content strategist, you can align these voices by creating guidelines for content. These standards will be documented, perhaps in the form a style or editorial guide that is focused on the dos and don'ts of content creation. The guidelines that you create will likely articulate who the users are and how the voice of the content should be targeted towards those product users. The guidelines could also work to explain how the content across the site or the organization can be best aligned toward business goals that…
