From the course: Planning a Career in User Experience

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Human factors

Human factors

- While user research is most typically associated with screen-based products, this isn't always the case. When user research meets products beyond the screen, it's often called human factors. When I started in this field in the early '90s, I did research on screen-based products but had the job title of human factors engineer. Today, however, a specialist in human factors will often be focused on the usage of physical products in light of human capabilities often focused on medical devices or maybe related to products for aviation or the military. As a human factor specialist, you will make sure that products comply with safety-related and regulatory guidance by doing a heuristic or expert review, similar to the user researcher. Also like the user researcher conducting a usability test, you can make sure that intended users can use those products safely and easily. When you're focused on whether the intended audience is…
