From the course: Planning a Career in User Experience

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UX strategy

UX strategy

- User experience is exciting in large part because it's strategic. After all, UX professionals work to understand and then design such that people will not only be able to use a product, but will appreciate and feel satisfied with their overall experience. But there are three areas of UX that fall specifically into the strategy bucket: UX strategy, content strategy, and customer experience. What all three of these career tracks have in common is a focus on the alignment of business strategy with the experience of product users. Let's consider the role of a UX strategist, a career focused on aligning business goals with the user experience of products. As a UX strategist, you need to understand the language and goals of business. Why is a business intending to create products that they want to create? Which business needs are the most important? What are the budgetary requirements of product development? Simultaneously…
