From the course: PostgreSQL Essential Training

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Install PostgreSQL with Docker

Install PostgreSQL with Docker - PostgreSQL Tutorial

From the course: PostgreSQL Essential Training

Install PostgreSQL with Docker

- [Instructor] The other popular way of installing a PostgreSQL database server is to leverage the flexibility of Docker. Docker packages up all of the resources that a piece of software requires and runs it inside of an isolated container. With Docker, you have the ability to quickly create new containers, copy containers, or delete them whenever you want without having to make changes to the way that your computer operates. This gives you the option of creating multiple PostgreSQL servers, work with different versions if you need to, or create separate servers for different projects. Docker is my preferred way to work with Postgres because it gives me the freedom to play around with new features. And if I mess something up or misconfigure an important setting, I can simply throw the container away and create a fresh one in a matter of seconds. If this sounds like the route that you'd like to go, head over…
