From the course: PowerPoint Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Format and add effects to objects

Format and add effects to objects

- [Instructor] In PowerPoint, anything is an object, an image, a shape, even text, and you can format all of that. Let's look at this text inside the text box. Because it's text in a text box, a shape format ribbon tab appears. You can format both of these items. You can format the text box using these tools like shape fill, outline, and you even have your presets. You can also format the text. You can add things like word art, and you can transform the text by going to the home tab and using any of these basic font properties also. I'm going to create a new blank slide. Let's add an image. I'm going to show you how you can also format images and shapes. I'll click insert, picture. And this time I'm going to choose a stock image. I do know which one I want, but I've noticed that sometimes PowerPoint tends to rearrange the order that they appear to me, so hopefully I don't have to scroll too far to find it. Here it…
