From the course: PowerPoint Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Save a presentation as a template

Save a presentation as a template

- [instructor] We can save design elements by changing to the design ribbon tab and saving the custom theme as a new one. But what if we wanted to reuse some of the content? What if I like these icons and I wanted them to be available for others to use and backgrounds? For these situations, we can save the presentation as an actual template. Saving it as a template involves deleting the slides we don't need, keeping the slides of content we want and then saving it. Let's go through and delete some items. I don't need these slides. I'm going to hit the delete key on my keyboard. By scroll through, I don't need this one either. And finally, I'll delete the conference agenda. All of these other slides I will keep to be reused in some of my presentations. Let's look at this title slide. Every presentation is going to have a unified title slide like this but they aren't all going to be called sales strategy. This is just…
