From the course: Practical Engineering

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How substations work

How substations work

- When you plug in an electric device, it's easy not to even consider where the electricity actually comes from. The simple answer is a power generating station, also known as a power plant, usually someplace far away. But the reality is much more complicated than that. Generation is only the first of many steps our power takes on its nearly instantaneous journey from production to consumption. The behavior of electricity doesn't always follow our intuitions, which means the challenges associated with constructing, operating, and maintaining the power grid are often complicated, and sometimes unexpected. Many of those challenges are overcome at a facility which, at first glance, often looks like a chaotic and dangerous mess of wires and equipment, but which actually serves a number of essential roles in our electrical grid: the substation. (slow music) As simple as it is to imagine, the power grid isn't just an…
