From the course: Practical Engineering

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Hydraulic ram pumps

Hydraulic ram pumps

- [Grady] I made a video a while back about water hammer. A hydraulic phenomenon that can lead to major problems in pipelines. Then I did a video on steam hammer. A somewhat related phenomenon associated with steam piping systems that can be extremely dangerous. And then I did a followup to the water hammer video talking about transient vacuum phenomenon that can collapse pipes if they're not designed and operated correctly. But even after those three videos, it turns out I haven't told the full story. Because even the water hammer is generally a problem for engineers. It turns out there's a way to take advantage of this normally inauspicious effect for a beneficial use. Hey, I'm Grady, and this is Practical Engineer. On today's episode, we're talking about hydraulic ram pumps. (upbeat music) (gentle music) A hydraulic ram is a clever device invented over 200 years ago that can pump water uphill with no other external…
