From the course: Premiere Pro Guru: Compositing and Masks

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Understanding the Non-Red Key effect

Understanding the Non-Red Key effect - Premiere Pro Tutorial

From the course: Premiere Pro Guru: Compositing and Masks

Understanding the Non-Red Key effect

- The Non Red Key effect is a delightful twist on traditional key methods, focusing on color channels other than red to achieve transparency. It's like exploring a new path in the world of creative possibilities. Let's go ahead and open the sequence named 4.4, Understanding the Non Red Key effect. Our star for the day is, of course, the Non Red Key effect. In simple terms, it keys out any channel that is in red, so you can play around with blue or green, but that's not all. This effect not only keys out specific pixels, but also seamlessly blends to clips. Best of all, it's user-friendly, especially handy when our usual Blue Screen Key feels a bit off. Ready to experiment? Here's how. Navigate to the Effects panel and just type non, and there it is, the Non Red Key. Apply it to the top clip and watch the magic unfold. In the Effect Controls panel, you're presented with some options. Threshold, this sets the levels of…
