From the course: Publisher Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Create bulleted and numbered lists

Create bulleted and numbered lists

- [Instructor] When you need to list items on a page in one of your publications, you might want to consider adding bullets to make them more visually interesting or if order's important, add numbering. Instead of doing it yourself and then having to rearrange things and renumber, et cetera, why not let Publisher do it for you? That's what we're going to explore in this movie with our HP_brochure0204 if you're skipping to this movie or catching up. We're on the second page where we just added our Hansel & Petal offerings. They came from a Word document where each of these offerings was a bulleted item. So we can do the same thing here in Publisher. Let's start by zooming in. I'm going to use the zoom slider this time and zoom in to around 100%. We'll click in front of flower. So you can see it's right up against another placeholder, an image, which we'll fix up later. But right now, click in front of the F and press the…
