From the course: Raspberry Pi Weekly

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Programming with Node-RED

Programming with Node-RED - Raspberry Pi Tutorial

From the course: Raspberry Pi Weekly

Programming with Node-RED

- Node-RED is described as flow based programming for the internet of things. If you like the visual programming model of Scratch, you're going to love Node-RED. You're also going to find it installed by default on your Raspberry Pi. Hi, I'm Mark Niemann-Ross and welcome to this week's edition of Raspberry Pi Weekly. Every week, we explore the Raspberry Pi and share useful tips. Node-RED is a programming language designed to make it easy to connect to the internet of things. As an example, let's repeat the setup from the project where we connect the infrared range finder to the LEDs. Once you've rebuilt that circuit, you're read to experiment with Node-RED. The Raspberry Pi comes with Node-RED already installed but you'll be happier if you update the installation. In order to update your copy of Node-RED, you'll need to open up a terminal window and then use a command that I've included in exercise files. This update process can sometimes take a considerable amount of time but be…
