From the course: Reading Corporate Financial Statements

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Challenge: Working with the statement of cash flow

Challenge: Working with the statement of cash flow

From the course: Reading Corporate Financial Statements

Challenge: Working with the statement of cash flow

(upbeat music) - It's time to explore the actual financials of your chosen public company again. Right now, I want you to do these three things. Find the statement of cash flows for your chosen publicly traded company. Second, I want you to notice the three sections, operating, investing, and financing, of that statement of cash flows. And finally, I want you to identify which of these sections had the greatest contribution to cash for the most recent period. Was it net cash inflows from operating? We sure hope so because that indicates that the business is in a growth or fully functioning mode and is generating cash to support and grow the business further. Have fun and don't be afraid to dig deeper into the story. Maybe ask yourself, "Are we generating cash from our operations or are we having to borrow money?"
