From the course: Recruiting Foundations

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Listen to understand

- I'd like you to think for a moment, about the reasons you were attracted to the recruiting profession. Most people I know that are in the recruiting profession, really wanted to make a difference, they want to have an impact on the life of the people that they interacted with and they love to talk. They have very strong communication skills and so they felt they had a natural ability to interact with people. There was also that strong desire to help others because there's great gratification in what we do. I don't know many other professions out there that basically can say, "What I do every day of my life, "is I change people's lives for the better." And that's what you do every day. That basically is the bottom line of recruiting. We change people's lives for the better. But recruiting is a sales profession, and as a result, there's a lot of rejection, there's a lot of people saying no to us every day. And we have to become very good, strategic listeners. And what I'd like to do…
