From the course: Recruiting Foundations

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Time management and planning

Time management and planning

From the course: Recruiting Foundations

Time management and planning

- The one thing I hear from recruiters as I'm speaking at conferences throughout the country is they don't have enough hours in the day to get things done. There is always that frustration of time management, and in reality you can't manage time. We all have the same 168 hours in every week but do you know people that just seem to get more done? Well, those are the people that have realized that you can manage what you do within your time. If you're not planned and you're not used to managing your time, what happens in the recruiting profession is the urgent things really overcome the important tasks that you need to do every day. The one thing is that we have people on both sides of our sales, and they think that their priorities are always our top priorities so you will be interrupted, but when you have a written plan, and you have out planned what you're going to do each day you can switch back to your top priorities faster. Without a plan, again, the urgent things can just…
