From the course: Revit and Dynamo for Interior Design

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Placing families

Placing families

- [Instructor] In this video, I'm going to show you how to use Dynamo to create points from Revit geometry then use those points as a location to place Revit families by dividing a curve. Let's start by opening Dynamo from the manage tab. Click new to start a new workspace. In this workspace, we're going to start by using the select model element node to select one of the lines in the Revit view. Search for select model element and click to add the select model element node to the workspace. If you click select, you will select one of the lines in the view. This line is stored as a Revit element. I'm going to convert the line to Dynamo geometry by searching for the element geometry node. If I wire the element output from select model element to the element input of the element geometry node, you can see that Dynamo now views this as a Dynamo line. Now I'm going to search for the point at equal segment lengths node so I can divide this line into equal segments. If I click to add the…
